Mobiilisti-hankkeessa on myös oppia tullut. mPedagogiikka on tullut tutummaksi Silanderin Pasin opastuksen (workshop1, workshop2) myötä ja internetissä on tullut kahlattua kaikennäköistä materiaalia.
Täytyy todeta, että tästä kaikesta on kyllä hurjasti hyötyä mobiiliopetusta kehittäessä. On jotain, mistä kaivaa kättä pidempää, kun omat keinot loppuvat.
First two of three study modules of my pedagogical studies has been now completed. My vocabulary concerning the pedagogy terminology has grown exponentially. As an engineer who is extremely interested in all kind of technical equipment and mobile devices, I've found correct words to be used for the partly familiar things. I'm still in the middle of reading a great book related to the eLearning and during next year the studies will include study modules for building modules for real students.
In MobiLearn project (Mobiilisti) I have also learned a lot concerning the pedagogy. Mobile pedagogy (mPedagogy) has been familiarized in guidance of Pasi Silander and I have also actively browsed the internet.
I have to admit that this all has and will be very useful when developing mobile learning. When my own skills aren't enough, at least I know where to find more information.
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