Opintojen puitteissa seurasin syksyn aikana opetusta sekä peruskoulussa että ammatillisissa opinnoissa. Mukana oli luokkaopetusta ja verkko-opetusta sekä Moodlen avulla että käyttäen avoimessa ympäristössä tuotettua nettisivustoa ja Adobe Connect Pro -verkkokokoussovellusta.
Mitä opin:
During autumn my studies have included following the teaching situations both in elementary school and HAMK University of Applied Sciences. These included teaching in a traditional class environment like also web-based learning in Moodle environment and also by using Adobe Connect Pro web conferencing solution with internet sites created by Google sites.
What did I learn:
Mitä opin:
- aseta tavoite -> suunnittele -> toteututa = palastele ja kokoa
- ota huomioon oppijoiden taustat ja lähtötaso
- valmistaudu
- visualisoi
- havainnollista esimerkein
- rajaa
- jaa ja ota vastaan; oppijoilta voi myös oppia
- Ja tärkeintä kaikessa: Ole oma itsesi!
During autumn my studies have included following the teaching situations both in elementary school and HAMK University of Applied Sciences. These included teaching in a traditional class environment like also web-based learning in Moodle environment and also by using Adobe Connect Pro web conferencing solution with internet sites created by Google sites.
What did I learn:
- set a clear goal -> plan -> implement = create a project breakdown and compile
- take into account learners' backgrounds and starting levels
- prepare properly
- visualize
- give examples
- limit
- disseminate and assimilate (also from learners)
- Be Yourself!
A learner is like a flower bulb. There is needed time to grow, develop and take the learned things into use in a correct phase. This is also a case concerning the learner in a professional teacher education program. Teaching practice will continue in Mobiilisti HAMK mobile workshops during the spring.
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